Customer Profile Template

Resource Overview

Use this to create fictional personas for the key audiences you intend to target.



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Your Problem

You need a precise understanding of customer behavior and characteristics. It is required that you generate a standard customer profile that can be shared with the departments in your company.

Our Solution

We created the Customer Profile Template to help you develop a fictional user persona that profiles the target customer you need to reach with your product development, communications, and PR efforts.

Regardless of the industry your company is in, creating customer profiles is important. Our customer profile template is a tool that can help you generate and communicate profiles to key stakeholders, whether in product development or marketing. In the profiling criteria tab, we list a number of criteria from both the B2B and B2C perspective.

With the Customer Profile Template, we encourage you to be as specific as possible about your customers. Download our free Product Development Strategy Methodology to see how this tool functions as part of a product development process.

Key Benefits

  • Choose demographic, psychographic, behavioral or environmental profiling criteria
  • End-user profile
  • Economic buyer profile
  • Technical evaluator profile
  • Use profiles to communicate with your Product Development team


Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet

Estimated Time Required: 2 Hours

Skills Required: Customer Analysis