The State of Email Marketing Infographic

Resource Overview

The top email marketing objectives are communicating with customers (74 percent), building brand awareness (64 percent), and communicating with prospects (63 percent). 


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Email remains one of the most important marketing channels. Recent Demand Metric studies confirm that it is one of the most used channels, and that it ranks high on the list of best ways to reach certain groups, such as sales and marketing and technical audiences. Significant variance, however, exists in the results marketers get from using email.

Demand Metric and Return Path by Validity continue to partner to understand which email tactics marketers are using, how well they are working, and what challenges prevent greater success with email.

The most recent edition of this research continues to pursue answers to the key question:

What separates high-performing email marketers from the rest of the pack?

Key Findings

The top email marketing objectives are communicating with customers (74 percent), building brand awareness (64 percent), and communicating with prospects (63 percent). 

Over one-third of study participants (37 percent) report that email marketing effectiveness is increasing. Firms that report increasing email marketing effectiveness are more likely to also report annual revenue growth.

The biggest email marketing challenge is competition for attention in the inbox (45 percent). Email deliverability ranked third on the list of challenges and saw a 12 percent increase compared to the 2018 study.

Email personalization was the top email marketing tactic in use (72 percent), a slight increase from the 2018 study.

One-third of study participants have no, formal subject-line optimization process.

Download the full report today with detailed charts, and all of the recommendations,
to fully discover the ways you can maximize your email marketing strategy today!