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Combatting Online Hate Cheat Sheet

Use this cheat sheet to learn about online hate and what you can do about it at your company.

This easy-to-use plan and timeline template provides a sample activation plan that you can customize to suit the needs of your business.

Use this matrix to compare Social Listening vendor solutions based on your requirements.

Use this matrix to compare Social Engagement vendor solutions based on your requirements.


Events and meetings are one of the top drivers of revenue for many companies, and an integral part to any marketing strategy. Watch this workshop to learn strategies to optimize your event marketing investment.

Successful Newsjacking

A guide to help you understand how to create successful newsjacks.

Understanding Twitter for Business

A guide that outlines the key features of Twitter, explains its effectiveness as a social network marketing tool and provides an action plan on how to create a unique and effective Twitter presence to help grow and strengthen your corporate brand.

Use this tool to help you design a Request for Proposal (RFP) for a Social Listening System.

Use this tool to help you design a Request for Proposal (RFP) for a Social Engagement System.

Use this tool to help you design a Request for Proposal (RFP) for a Social Experience System.

Use this tool to help you design a Request for Proposal (RFP) for a Social Analytics system.

Use this evaluation to compare Social Experience vendor solutions based on your requirements.

Use this matrix to compare Social Analytics vendor solutions based on your requirements.

Use this checklist to ensure you complete all of the tasks associated with posting your videos on YouTube.

Effective Use of Instagram for Business

A guide to help you understand the key features of Instagram that are useful to business.

Word of Mouth Marketing

A guide to help you understand the importance of word of mouth marketing (WOMM) by identifying the different forms it can take and by explaining how you can measure it effectively.

Driving Online Community Adoption

A guide to help you understand how to drive online community adoption.

CRM Consulting Partners Revealed

A guide to help you understand why hiring a consultant for your CRM initiative can be beneficial.


A guide to help you learn more about and build your public relations capabilities.


Use this step-by-step playbook and set of 16 premium tools and templates to develop a comprehensive public relations strategy & plan.


This report presents the findings of our Inbound Marketing research, providing all marketers with a useful set of benchmarks to compare their use of these approaches.
