Display a Real-Time Running Tally of Facebook Likes in your Storefront Window

Lauren Sytsma's picture
Lauren Sytsma
Lauren Sytsma wrote:

Similar to McDonald’s display of billions of customer’s served; French start-up Smiirl launched Fliike, which allows small businesses to display a real-time running tally of Facebook likes in their storefront window.

Smiirl will ship its first limited-edition batch of 500 units at the end of November at a price of $390 per unit, plus delivery, before the price goes up.

All you need is access to WiFi and a Facebook account, and you’re good to go. The unit is 16.5 inches wide by 4.72 inches high by 4.72 inches deep and is a mechanical counter, not a digital display - Smiirl said this decision was intentional because:

“Screens are everywhere. That’s why we provide a simple design using mechanical interactions, thus giving the Internet some tangible aspect.”

Would you be more likely to go into a store if you saw that they have 35,000 Facebook likes? 

Do you think Fliikes will become a regular store-front window feature?

Article Reference: http://allfacebook.com/fliike_b121291

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