Bid or No Bid Assessment

Resource Overview

A tool for determining if you should bid on a business opportunity.


Related Resources

Your Problem

You need to bid on a project, but are not sure whether certain contracts are worth applying for. It is important that you first evaluate a project to see if your chances of winning the contract merits applying.

Our Solution

We created the Bid or No Bid Assessment to help you determine whether you should submit a bid to a new project. Our assessment provides your company with an evaluation that can be used to find any deal killer, identify best practices, and more. This is a great organizational tool that will provide you with a structured way to evaluate whether you should bid on a project.

For background info, read our Executive Summary: Making a Logical Bid or No-Bid Decision

Key Benefits

  • helps you determine if you should submit a bid to a project
  • idenfies any "deal killers"
  • enables organization
  • easy-to-use tool
  • save 2 hours


Microsoft Excel

Estimated Time Required: 1 Hour

Skills Required: Microsoft Excel (Advanced)