Are You the Master of Your Own Time?

Lauren Sytsma's picture
Lauren Sytsma
Lauren Sytsma wrote:

As your to-do list gets longer you may find that good service starts falling to the wayside. And that’s a big mistake. Learn to manage your time so all aspects of your business get the time & energy they deservice.

Here are 6 Tips from is external) to Become the Master of Your Own Time:

1. Block out social media distractions like Facebook & Instagram (unless these tools are essential to your business). Social media takes up a lot of our online time – when you’re trying to get work done, do yourself a favor and eliminate social media.

2. Start your day with a plan. Make a list of what must be accomplished, and take a few minutes to prioritize; decide what’s urgent & what can wait to avoid missing deadlines.

3. Prepare to have interruptions – they happen. This holds especially true for those who work in an office setting. Noisy co-workers, impromptu meetings and face-to-face actions are all things that kill your productivity in the work place.

4. If you have to get work done, go ahead and put up a Do Not Disturb Sign. About 61 percent of employees want to work fewer hours than they do, and by getting organized and working efficiently, this wish can become a reality.

5. Use your calendar. Giant to-do lists can become long and unattainable, leaving you frustrated. Create time blocks in your calendar for these high-priority actions – and have the discipline to keep these appointments.

6. It’s okay to return a voicemail or answer an email an hour or two after it’s sent. You don’t always have to give people your attention instantaneously unless it’s a crucial part of your position. If you’re working on a deadline that’s urgent, finish it and respond to the messages as soon as you can.

Combine these tips with some discipline and you’re sure to be on your way to becoming the master of your own time.

How do you make sure you stay on top of your work tasks and effectively manage your time?

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2 Responses

Clare Price's picture
Clare Price
Clare Price wrote:

Great post Lauren. I would add that the best planning strategy is to set your plan in priority order the night before and then stick to it for all but the most critical emergancies (not fire drills!). I also employ an above the line and below the line strategy -- the three or four things that MUST be done above the line and then one to three others that should be done, below the line. That way I'm always focused on the key deliverables.   

Lauren Sytsma's picture
Lauren Sytsma
Lauren Sytsma wrote:

Great suggestion Clare!