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Product Profitability Analysis
A tool to compare the profitability of various products in your portfolio.
Break Even Analysis
A calculator to input cost & sales variables and determines break even point and profitability.
SWOT Analysis Tool
A template to evaluate strengths and weaknesses and associated opportunities and threats.
Message Mapping Tool
A template to document and assess the key messages that are important for your target audience to hear.
Risk Analysis Fishbone Tool
A root-cause analysis tool, or "fish-bone diagram", to identify and document potential risks.
STEP Industry Analysis Tool
A worksheet to analyze industry trends and social, technological, economic and political conditions.
Decision Maker Influencer Map
Use this to evaluate and obtain key stakeholder buy-in during a complex sale.
Venue Evaluation Matrix
A matrix to help you compare potential venue options based on your event's requirements.
Win Loss Analysis Tool
Use our Win Loss Analysis Template to track your competitive wins and losses.