Reports/Presentations on ARPU, EBITDA, etc

Geri Salmela
- Jun 16, 2014 11:05 AM
Are there any reports (think "presentation to the board" worthy) for measuring ARPU, ebitda, etc?
Are there any reports (think "presentation to the board" worthy) for measuring ARPU, ebitda, etc?
3 Responses
Hi Geri - I'd love to have more specifics about the kind of presentation you need to create. From what you've shared, it doesn't sound marketing-specific, but you'd still like to find some report templates to help you create it - is that the correct understanding?
We've done a lot of consulting with our members to help them create presentations and other communications material. Let me try to put someone here in touch with you to better understand what you're looking to do. Perhaps we can do something to help you!
I guess what I'm looking for is a template with charts that can compare ARPU in our different regions/communities that we serve. I can certainly create one, but your templates and pie charts are oh so nice. ;-)
Thanks for the kind words about our templates and pie charts!
We do not have a template for calculating Average Revenue Per User. We do have one for calculating Customer Lifetime Value:
I'm guessing you understand how to calculate the ARPU; you are just interested in using one of our templates to present the ARPU, is that correct? As I go back and read the beginning of this thread, you want something "Board worthy". Have you looked at Tableau? They have an excellent data visualization solution. You can build and distribute an ARPU dashboard for the board. If you haven't looked at Tableau, it will be worth your time to investigate what they can do for you. It will certainly make a great impression on the board!
I hope this helps - let me know if you'd like to dialogue further.