Project Management Maturity Assessment - Recommended Tools

Christoph Heidrich's picture
Christoph Heidrich
Christoph Heidrich wrote:


I downloaded the Project Management Maturity Assessment ressource to aid in asserting and communicating the current situation of PM in my organisation. So far, it's well-suited for the purpose. However, the "Ressource Overview" section on the tools page states that it also contains "a list of recommended tools and resources to help you improve your processes". I think that might be a good starting point for further activity, yet I don't know how to access it. It's not part of the Excel document - can you tell me how to access it?

Kind regards

Christoph Heidrich

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Resource Reference 

Use this customizable Microsoft Excel assessment to audit your project management capabilities, identify areas for improvement, and get a list of recommended tools and resources to help you improve your process.

3 Answers

Jesse Hopps's picture
Jesse Hopps
Jesse Hopps wrote:

Hi Christopher, here is a link to our Project Management Methodology which contains links to our PM resources:

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Sandeep Sharma TOGAF CISA MEngg MBA,LLB's picture
Sandeep Sharma ...
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Sandeep Sharma TOGAF CISA MEngg MBA,LLB's picture
Sandeep Sharma ...
Sandeep Sharma ... wrote:
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