Premium Resource: 13 Technology Solutions for Powering Content Marketing

Lauren Sytsma's picture
Lauren Sytsma
Lauren Sytsma wrote:

Looking to produce high-quality content, but not sure where to start? 

Robert Rose, chief strategist at the Content Marketing Institute, recently conducted briefings with 13 vendors that offer content collaboration tools and presents his findings in this report.

Rose’s analysis will help you:

- See what each vendor offers

- Make an informed decision on the best solution for your specific needs

- Decide which type of content collaboration tool works best for you

Writer Network Collaboration Solutions: helps organizations source and produce content using outsourced freelance networks

Content Editorial and Workflow Solutions: helps teams manage the new, more editorial-like processes of the marketing department

Each vendor profile summarizes the company’s offerings and covers:

- Problems the platform is designed to solve

- Target market and pricing

- How to work with the platform

- The company’s origins and future directions

In the marketing world today where content is king; this report is a great resource to help you collaborate with some of the best vendorsin the biz, and accomplish your content marketing goals.

Purchase the guide online at: is external)

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Use this step-by-step playbook and set of 34 premium tools and templates to create a comprehensive content marketing plan.