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Great webinars are much anticipated, have a big turnout, generate buzz and provide follow-up marketing opportunities. Demand Metric and ReadyTalk team up to talk about how exceptional webinars are formed – the anatomy of a great webinar.


Events and meetings are one of the top drivers of revenue for many companies, and an integral part to any marketing strategy. Watch this workshop to learn strategies to optimize your event marketing investment.

A tool to help you visualize what steps need to be taken to qualify a new sales lead in your CRM system.

Our CRM Project Charter establishes a clear project scope, decision rights, and executive sponsorship for a CRM project.

Use this tool to create a work breakdown structure for an upcoming CRM system implementation project.

A tool to help you define Marketing, Sales, Customer Support and Partner Relations functions, map your current process or systems for those functions, and plan for integration with your CRM system over a 1-3 year period.


This eWorkshop is ideal for any marketing professional who needs to improve their search engine optimization knowledge and capabilities.


This eWorkshop presents key findings from this recently concluded study by sharing the results and providing some high-level recommendations about how to mitigate these barriers to email marketing success.

Strategizing for Myspace's Comeback

Read this how-to guide to help you strategize for the resurgence of Myspace.


This eWorkshop evaluates the results of the Demand Metric Benchmark Study hosted to explore the relationship between sales & marketing and the relationship's effect on revenue performance.


This eWorkshop will present marketers with top tips on how to effectively create, execute & optimize an integrated demand generation plan.


In June 2013, Demand Metric conducted a benchmarking study to assess the impact online display advertising and real-time bidding is having on the online advertising landscape.


In June 2013, Demand Metric conducted a study to assess sales and marketing alignment and how it impacts revenue performance.

Driving SEO with Press Releases

This How To Guide will explain how press releases can boost SEO efforts, how to write press releases for SEO, the pros and cons of doing so and conclude with an action plan on using press releases in your SEO efforts.

The Business of Gamification

This infographic provides statistics and best practices for gamification.

Sample Size Calculator

Use this sample selector to calculate the size of the sample necessary to provide confidence in the generalizations made about a given population in a market research study.

Use this tool to retrieve vital information from participants that will be engaging in your focus group.

Use this performance review to evaluate the efforts of the agencies you work with closely.

This strategy scorecard will help you identify and document your market research objectives for the next 12-18 months.

Use this tool to gain a consensus on the buy-in for an upcoming market research initiative.

Use this tool to evaluate a series of research conclusions and find which conclusions will be helpful in gaining a better market position.

Use this tool to gain knowledge on the different types of research design & research methods and to select the proper research methods for your market research study.

Use this template to create a Research Request Agreement to be used for multiple parties engaging in a market research program.

Use this template to create a proposal for a market research study.

Use this template to identify the top market research firms to assist you with your market research efforts.
