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Use this checklist to ensure you complete all of the tasks required to produce a live video.

Use this checklist to ensure you complete all of the tasks required to produce a video presentation.

Use this budget template to set and track your video marketing budgets.

Use this template to help you design a Request for Proposal (RFP) for a video marketing consultant or agency.

Selecting Content Types for Video

This How-To Guide discusses how to align your video content choices with your audience, the most successful types of video content and the benefits associated with each content type.

Use this database to document the details of each video in your program and track your videos by content type.

Evaluate and prioritize the topics for your individual videos or groupings of videos with this tool.

Use this process diagram to understand the stages of the video production process and the details that go into each stage.

Document the responsibilities and job requirements for a video marketing manager within your organization.

Use this project plan to outline the key components of your video marketing program to steer the direction of your project.

Utilize our Video Marketing Maturity Assessment to assess your organization's current Video Marketing capabilities.

Enhancing Content with Video Marketing

This How-To Guide discusses why Video Marketing is one of the most effective forms of Content Marketing, shares the benefits of Video Marketing, and introduces actionable items to get started on your Video Marketing program.

Use our Video Marketing Business Case to provide senior management with a use case for a video marketing program in your organization.

Outline your video marketing strategy for the upcoming year with this easy-to-use Microsoft Excel scorecard.


This eWorkshop will focus on the strategies, technologies and best practices for using marketing automation to optimize channel partnerships.


From November-December 2013, Demand Metric, in conjunction with Tableau Software, conducted a benchmarking study, with 300 respondents, to explore the use of sales and marketing analytics tools and technology.


This eWorkshop presents results from the sales & marketing analytics study, focusing its attention on the tools; sources of data and techniques marketers are using to drive their analytics efforts.


In November 2013, Demand Metric conducted a benchmarking study, with 291 respondents, to measure employee engagement, understand the impact of having it, and how it is measured and managed so as to derive best practices.

Developing Sales Playbooks from Journey Maps

This How-To Guide has been designed to help you and your company build, implement and operationalize Sales Playbooks based on Customer Journey Map data.


Use this guide to understand what level of maturity your organization is at with marketing automation and how you can drive value with more advanced uses of your marketing automation system.


This eWorkshop will unveil insights and best practices derived from the input of more than 250 organizations, and will bring the value of employee engagement into sharp focus.


This eWorkshop evaluates the results of the Demand Metric Benchmark Study hosted to explore the platforms, practices, agility, investment and results of creating digital customer experiences.


In October 2013, Demand Metric conducted a benchmarking study, with 227 respondents, to understand the relationship between data quality and revenue growth.

Marketing Resource Management

This How-To Guide will explain the components of a Marketing Resource Management (MRM) system, provide an action plan for deployment, and conclude with a plan for implementation.


In this eWorkshop, our Chief Analyst, Jerry Rackley, will describe the current Sales Enablement landscape, best practices and how webinars & web conferencing can facilitate the success of this function.
