Need to fix account access

Joe Boyce's picture
Joe Boyce
Joe Boyce wrote:


I recently re-signed up with you based on having access to unlimited templates. Currently the service limits me to only 1 per month. I really wanted to get some work done using your resources this weekend, and now I've found out that I can't unless someone can make the fix soon. Please help!

Joe Boyce

Gaia Worldwide


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Lauren Sytsma's picture
Lauren Sytsma
Lauren Sytsma wrote:

Hi Joe

I just looked into your account, and it appears that your paid membership is associated with your work email address (not your Yahoo account), which is why you weren’t given unlimited access. Please let me know if you’d like us to provide you with full access using your Yahoo account, and I’ll change it immediately. I’m sorry for the delay. Please let me know if there’s anything else I can do.


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