To Facebook or Not to Facebook?
Do facebook, twitter, and other social networking tools actually produce valuable leads or am I just giving the social networks free advertising?
How do I do market research for subscription based websites?
Looking to create a subscription based website that gives users access to exclusive content such as video game tutorials and such.
Updated World Class Marketing Assessment
We have just updated our World Class Marketing Assessment
B2B Email Marketing Study
We have just finished collecting responses from close to 500 marketers on their use of B2B email marketing.
Webinar: Win the Game of Strategic Planning - July 25 | 10...
Crowdsourced Reviews Going Mainstream in B2B Markets
Last summer I was talking to the marketing director at a company that makes a well-known desktop software product.
Three Cool and Inexpensive Tools to Track Twitter Hashtags
Judging by the outcry over Tweetchat having to clos(link is external)
Top 5 Alternatives to Google Reader
As of today Google Reader is no more.
Survey Results: How Product Managers use Marketing Analytics
Top 5 WordPress Plugins to Improve your Content Marketing...
Content marketing doesn’t just stop at posting something to your blog; that’s only part of the process.
Sales & Marketing Alignment Benchmarking Study
What to charge for an eCommerce Catalog
I have a potential project where the client whose company is over 100 yrs old and wants to implement an eCommerce platform for customers to purchas