Demand Metric's 2013 Research Studies

- Nov 14, 2013 2:21 PM
If you haven’t noticed, Demand Metric Research Corporation is living up to its name: we’ve done a lot of research in the past six months, which is producing insights that benefit the marketing community. If you have not responded to a survey, seen one of the study reports or attended a benchmark study results webinar, click here for a quick review of just some of what these studies are revealing.
We’ve just completed a study on Sales & Marketing Data Quality that establishes a link between how clean an organization’s data is and their ability to grow revenue. We’ll share the detailed results during a free webinar on November 20, 2013.
Demand Metric is currently conducting studies on several other topics that will yield more practical insights:
The Digital Marketing Landscape(link is external): we’re examining which digital marketing practices are in use, are planned and what is producing the best results.
Marketing & Sales Analytics Technology(link is external): this study’s goal is to better understand the data sources, tools, collaboration and results sharing that are part of the analytics process.
Employee Engagement(link is external): in this study, we examine the influence of employee engagement on tangible customer metrics like retention, loyalty, and even revenue.
Click on the links listed above to participate in these studies by taking the survey. To thank you for your input, we’ll provide you with a free copy of the study report when it's published.
Are these research topics of interest to you? What topics would you like to see Demand Metric research in the future?