Interactive Video Benchmark Report

Resource Overview

Video provides some unique opportunities for interactivity, so Brightcove and Demand Metric partnered to research the current definitions, adoption, applications and effectiveness of interactive video. This report presents the results of this research.


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Marketing relies on content to attract prospects and engage customers. The fundamentals of content marketing haven't changed, and probably won't: know the audience for the content, have an objective for its use and produce quality content. Where content marketing has seen a rapid evolution is in the area of formats. At the dawn of the inbound marketing era, having a solid stream of white papers in PDF form was more than satisfactory. But as inbound marketing went mainstream, static forms of content became less differentiated because everyone was using it. A white paper, case study or other static forms of content had to truly shine to get any attention.

Advances in content marketing effectiveness were seen when savvy digital marketers began deploying more visual forms of content. Video was, in particular, a desirable content format. However, in the early going, video was expensive to produce, requiring special skills and technology to get quality results. When video was produced, it was a 30-second spot created outside of the digital marketing team.

However, many organizations wisely began producing and deploying linear video online because it engaged the audience better than static content. The tools have improved to the point that quality video is now much easier to affordably produce. As video experiences a surge of usage, those who use it are exploring ways to best capitalize on this very effective format.

In an effort to better engage customers and prospects, marketers have begun deploying digital interactive content, and as Demand Metric research has shown, it is far more effective than passive content. Video provides some unique opportunities for interactivity, so Brightcove and Demand Metric partnered to research the current definitions, adoption, applications and effectiveness of interactive video. This report presents the results of this research.


Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Executive Summary
  3. Usage Status
  4. Definition & Applications
  5. Benefits & Challenges
  6. Budget & Ownership
  7. Performance & Importance
  8. Analyst Bottom Line
  9. Acknowledgements
  10. About Brightcove
  11. About Demand Metric
  12. Appendix - Survey Background


Research Methodology

This 2015 Interactive Video Benchmark Study survey was administered online during the period of September 11 through October 13, 2015. During this period, 616 responses were collected, of which 515 responses were qualified and complete enough for inclusion in the analysis.