Customer Engagement Project Plan

Resource Overview

Use this project plan to outline the key components of your Customer Engagement program to steer the direction of your project.


Related Resources

Your Problem

You need to begin planning for your Customer Engagement program.  You also want to create a complete outline of the project to share with your project team and senior management to ensure full approval & support.

Our Solution

We created the Customer Engagement Project Plan to provide you with a standard outline for a Customer Engagement initiative. Utilize this 9-page Microsoft Word document to help you ensure full support & approval from senior management, steer the direction of your Customer Engagement program and communicate project details to your team.

Complete the following sections as fully as possible: Project Overview, Project Description, Key Success Factors, Risk Identification, Project Stakeholders, Communication Plan, Decision Rights and Approval.

Key Benefits

  • includes an example plan
  • outlines key areas to consider during planning
  • acts as a communication device
  • can be easily edited
  • provides a professional project plan document


Microsoft Word Document

Estimated Time Required: 2 Hours

Skills Required: Strategic Planning