4 Reasons Every Small Business Should Use the Cloud

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Eloise Best
Eloise Best wrote:

If you’re running a small business and you’re not using at least one cloud computing service yet, where have you been? While moving to the cloud might sound inconvenient, costly, and time-consuming, that’s actually pretty far from the truth.

Operating your business in the cloud open up new opportunities for flexible and collaborative working, helps protect your data, and aids in data recovery. This saves you time and money in the long-run, and makes life easier for your employees.

The cloud is essential for any small business that’s serious about success.

1. Data is Less Likely to Be Lost

When you store data on a local hard drive, it’s never completely safe. Whether it’s down to a technological malfunction, human error, or an environmental issue, there’s a chance that all your important data could be lost forever. This can be hugely expensive for your business, and you might spend a fortune with companies who claim they can restore lost data - a practice which is often unsuccessful.

Backing data up in the cloud changes everything. When data is stored in the cloud, it’s 100% safe and won’t be lost when a hard drive gets accidentally dropped, an employee hits ‘delete’ without realizing, or there’s a flood in your building. There are several different cloud service models(link is external) out there, but they all include data backup and protection as standard. If you care about your data, you need the cloud.

2. Employees Can Work from Anywhere

Are your staff forced to come to the office to download files when they work from home? What happens when someone is on holiday but wants to take care of an urgent project?

Storing data locally means there’s very little flexibility, while cloud storage lets staff work from anywhere in the world. It’s a smart way to save money on office costs and give employees greater freedom. You’ll be free to hire freelancers and remote workers more easily, which is a great way to save money and benefit from new talent.

3. Collaborative Work Is Easier

Ever tried working with a freelancer in another country, or a contractor who works from home? It’s really tricky when all your data is stored in one place, but using the cloud allows different members of staff to work together on projects even when they’re not physically together.

This could mean editing documents at the same time, viewing datasets simultaneously, or chatting using cloud features. You’ll save a fortune on unnecessary travel and will work much more efficiently.

4. Security Features Are More Powerful

Security features on local storage systems can be severely lacking, putting your company data at risk. Luckily, when you use the cloud, you’ll have access to advanced security features that keep your data safe and secure at all times.

Say goodbye to losing a laptop and having your data compromised, because it’s all stored securely in the cloud. It’s easy to change settings and wipe data from company property at any time when you’re using the cloud, making security scares a thing of the past.

Cloud storage isn’t just for big corporations. Any small business that cares about data protection, collaborative working, and employee flexibility will benefit from cloud services.

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