Brand Selection Tool

Resource Overview

A voting tool to drive consensus on key branding decisions.


Related Resources

Your Problem

You need to make key branding decisions with your team. It is important that you provide your branding team with the tools needed to reach a consensus on branding choices.

Our Solution

We created the Brand Selection Tool to drive consensus on key branding decisions. This tool will help organize your branding team when making decisions on key issues. Considerations in this tool include: Mission, vision, positioning statement, elevator pitch, corporate tagline, logo, color schemes, and more.

This branding tool allows a team, through consensus, to select the best branding mix for its company. For background info, read our Executive Summary: Achieving Brand Consensus.

Key Benefits

  • takes all ideas into consideration
  • democratic decision-making process
  • provides options for managers to choose from
  • save 2 hours on formatting
  • ensures the 'brand' will be supported by all


Microsoft Word Document

Estimated Time Required: 2 Hours

Skills Required: Brand Analysis